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There are always new levels where we can go deeper and places where we can go higher in our relationship with Christ!  There is a spiritual tension that the Holy One guides us into throughout our spiritual journey. He begins this process by first stirring up a holy dissatisfaction in us. Without it we would windup pitching our tents in the wilderness settlements where we would learn to exist in the land of mediocracy.

However, we become dissatisfied when we realize we’re existing in the wilderness instead of passing through it.  There is a dissatisfaction that comes when we become aware that we’re in a wilderness receiving from God’s: provision without vision… His care without deeply caring for Him or others… and receiving His protection without protecting our relationship with Him. We can even sometimes see His presence from a distance without ever entering into the cloud for ourselves. We can hear His voice as indistinct thunder through another, without hearing it with clarity within ourselves.

Until one day you say, “I know there has to be more!” Then you break up your camp of indifference to press deeper into the promised land of intimacy with God. The tension of this dichotomy is learning to allow the dissatisfaction to draw you deeper to Him; while living in the mindset of, “whatsoever situation you are in to be content”. This is the age old time tested pattern that takes us from Glory to Glory! Yesterday’s Promise Land can become todays wilderness if we don’t continue to pursue our Intimacy with God.  Life in the Spirit is a slow and steady forward progression in a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Pursuing the spiritual depths of Jesus Christ doesn’t necessarily make you “more spiritual” as much as it makes your humanity more Christlike. It’s learning how to be the wicket that swings in a balanced way between the deeper unseen place in Christ and your everyday life. One of the best ways to achieve that intimacy with Him is through one or two retreats a year. Every Believer needs a place where one can go to renew yourself in Him. When one withdraws to an exterior place for a few days to renew yourself in Him; then one secures and builds up an interior place where you can make short retreats throughout the day. It’s the secret place within where you will find renewal and refreshing in Him… That secret place of intimacy that we are building in Him today will determine the intimate place we’ll have in Him throughout Eternity!


Song of Solomon 2
10 My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away.

14 “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret places of the cliff,
Let me see your face, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet,
And your face is lovely.”

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