Tonight is the graduation commencement for the Deeper School. I guess I’m already starting to feel a little nostalgic knowing this will be my last graduation celebration as a teacher in the Deeper School. Helen Keller wrote, ” All that we love deeply becomes a part of us”. Well, it’s safe to say that I’ve loved being a part of Deeper School over the past three years and I’ve loved all the staff and students I’ve walked this journey with. Therefore, I know Deeper has been woven into the tapestry of my life and become a part of who I am.
My personal ritual will play out like it does every time I sit in a Bible School graduation. Over the past 30 years I’ve taught in Bible Schools around the world and helped start and plant many of them so it’s a well rehearsed ritual. I’ll remember for a few moments what it was like for me when I graduated from Bible School; and from that moment on it will be all about my students! My heart will be filled with snapshots of them throughout the past year or two. I’ll remember what they were like when they came… I’ll see a time lapse movie playing out in my mind of the transformation God has worked in each one as they walk up to receive their graduation certificate. I’ll remember the touching moments, the breakthrough moments and of course all the funny moments. My heart will swell with pride as I think of how proud I am of each one and my spirit will leap as I consider all the Life Adventures and Kingdom Exploits they’re all getting ready to step into.
I am grateful to Dave Crone and Dan McCollam for opening the doors of possibility! I’ve loved taking this journey with my dear friend Gary Hopkins and all the other Deeper staff: Joyce Milton, Lyn Lasneski, Carolyn Badr, Jennifer Schopp, Aaron Letinsky, Rick McCoy and all the other staff from years past.
As always, I close the chapter of every school year knowing that with love I planted Living Seed by faith in the precious soil of every heart with the hope that it will produce Eternal Fruit!