As I was going through my old blogs to update them for my new website I found this one that I wrote on April 25 of 2007. To my great delight and joy I was able to check 5 of my dreams off of my to do list because they had been fulfilled! So I thought I would post this blog again to encourage you to take inventory of your dreams and see where you are on your journey so you can know where you’re going. There’s no time like the present to reflect on this since we’re approaching the end of this year and getting ready to enter a new one.
I happen to know that many of you have a “100 THINGS I WANT TO DO IN MY LIFETIME LIST”. In some circles it is referred to as a “Bucket List”. However, I prefer to call it my “Lifetime Dream List”… because to me it’s more about living life as you go through life than squeezing life in before you die. After all, I’ve was doing a “Lifetime Dream List” 30 years before the “The Bucket List” movie came out.
Let me bottom line this Blog for you. Where are you on your list and how’s it going? In order to run a great country; once a year we have our State of the Union Address. To run a good business; once or twice a year you take inventory of your stock. In order to run a good race and have the Abundant Life we were created for, then we need to be fulfilling the dreams God dreamed for us and the ones we’ve dreamed for ourselves.
We were created to finish our race and fulfill our destinies and accomplish our purpose and the dreams in our heart. Therefore, perhaps we too should once a year have a STATE OF OUR DREAMS ADDRESS after we’ve taken our DREAM INVENTORY. Then we’ll know what dreams have been fulfilled on our list and what dreams still remain.
I dare say the dreams remaining on your list are just waiting on your FAITH to break camp and tear down your tents of complacency and sameness that begets tameness, and tameness that begets lameness. You were never created to settle in the land of compromise living an average existence. Therefore, lace up your spiritual hiking boots so you can go off the beaten paths and trails of life. It’s time to blaze some new trails that will lead you to the adventures and desires of your heart. However, don’t forget to fill your backpack with some of the lightweight essentials you’ll need for your adventure.
Supplies for your dream quests are as follows: Hope, Passion, Expectation, a Childlike Heart, Wonder, Inspiration, Gratitude, a Thirst for Knowledge, Fearless Tenacity and Awe.
After taking my dream inventory, I’m now ready to give the STATE OF MY DREAMS ADDRESS and after you read mine please feel free to share the STATE OF YOUR DREAMS ADDRESS as well. I’d love to know!
Don’t worry I’m not going to bore you with all 100 so my short list is as follows and not in any special order:
- Travel extensively… still doing it and more to come.
- Collect quality antiques
- Collect old rare Christian books written by the mystics on the presence of God
- Own a motorcycle
- Own a horse
- Be in full time ministry where I make a living doing what I love
- Plant churches
- Minister with an apostolic team
- Have my own radio show
- Send both of my children to Christian Schools
- See both of my children go to college to get their degrees
- Go skydiving
- Go back to South Africa
- Bring down Calum Moor
- Live on a few acres in the mountains with trees and water
- Ride the rapids on a great river
- Be in full time ministry where I can make a living doing what I love
- Raise up a training center (I helped start, oversee and teach in the Deeper Schools)
- Go back to the nations and train leaders
- Learn how to fly fish
- Own another horse, but I might have to give that one up since I’m going to be traveling so much again to the nations and wouldn’t be able to properly take care of it, but we’ll see. (I’m now living at a place where I can look out my picture window and see the 5 horses that are stabled here. They’re not mine but I get to enjoy them.)
- Own my own home
- Drive a race car on a professional track
- Get my pilot’s license
- Get a hot tub (so I can sit in it at night and have star parties)
- Own a pool table or a shuffle board
- Write books and see them be published (in process and soon to be realized)
- Go on an archeological dig…and find something (preferably in Israel but anywhere will due)
- Help plant more churches
- Lead retreats where people could learn the spiritual practices and experience the presence of God
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Learn how to do financial investing and become really good at it
- Own another motorcycle….
- Produce more soaking CD’s