The Shorelines of my Soul

 In All Posts, Dena's Kitchen Table

I pondered the other day as I walked along the beach….

If I was to liken the ocean to the spirit of man and the shoreline to the outer fringes of the soul… then what are the tides of my life washing up on my shore? With each high tide, low tide, or storm tossed sea; comes a fresh deposit of treasures from the deep. Then what are the high tides or low tides of life stirring up in the depths of my soul; or what buried treasure or even dead debris has the last storm I’ve passed through managed to unlock from the deep places within my being? As I walk along the shoreline of my life, what will I find there…. treasures or trash? Both are a welcomed sight. For either God is washing away the dead debris and trash from the heart of your soul; or He’s drawing treasures from the depths of your being that has been tried and tested and are now ready for the Masters use. Both are causes for celebration as you inspect the shorelines of your life. It takes Beachcombing to a whole new level!

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