The Sounds of my Childhood Summers
As I lay here late at night at my father’s house reflecting on the day that I’m putting to bed and beginning to contemplate the adventures that await me tomorrow, I began to be aware of a sound that was soothing my soul… it was the window unit air conditioner that was droning away and cooling the room where I’m staying. And then it dawned on me why it was so soothing to my soul… it was a sound from the summers of my childhood. It was as if that sound had scooped up the little girl in me and took me back in time to the sounds of my childhood. So here are just a few in no particular order…
Attic fans… my mother would spread a sheet out underneath it and let my sister and I take our afternoon naps there.
Brass Oscillating Fans… the brass ones have a superior sound to the plastic ones.
Neighborhood Kids Playing Games after Dark.. Red Light Green Light, Hide and go Seek, Red Rover
Mothers having to call to us more than once for us to come inside late at night after playing… each mom had her own style of calling… If it changed to your Dad’s voice you knew you were in trouble.
Locus Bugs droning in the heat of the day.
June Bugs Buzzing late at night
The Carnival across the Highway that came every summer
Bathwater being drawn after you came in late at night after playing with the smell of sweat and dirt.
Playing cards on your bicycle wheels flapping as they’re being held on by close pins.
Sheets and Towels flapping on the close line while drying.
Ice Cream Trucks playing the tunes that sounded the call for all kids to come running
Push lawn mowers
The Rhythms of the Lawn Sprinklers
Fire Crackers popping, sparklers sizzling along with all the sounds on the forth of July
The TV playing Bonanza, Sing Along With Mitch, and The Ed Sullivan Show not to mention Twilight Zone, and Outer Limits so we could make sure we were properly scared before we went to bed.
My Dad playing the radio of songs from the 50’s as he worked out in the garage
The sound of those speakers that you hang on your window at the drive in theater
Popping Tar Bubbles in the street when it got really hot
Water splashing, Kids screaming at the public pool
The sounds of Six Flags Over Texas…
Burgers sizzling on the grill
The Churning of an Ice Cream Maker… Electric or Crank
Texas Summer Thunder Storms and Rain Falling at night as you slept
Hearing my Grandmother giving piano lessons when I’d spend the summer with her
The sound of my mother praying with us girls before we went to sleep…. the sound of Holly and I turning on the flashlight and continuing to play after Mom left the room. 😉