This is one of my favorite poems written by Francis Quarles in the 16th century. I found it many years ago in one of my books called, “The Oxford Book [...]
Yesterday we were without water and electricity. They came back on late last night but once again it was off this morning. Therefore… we had no showers and [...]
Mama Mwela, Theresa and I had a private meeting with Vice President Mujuru of Zimbabwe yesterday. An impossible door to most Zimbabweans was opened to us and [...]
ADJUSTING OUR EYE & EAR GATES TO SWING BOTH WAYS Francis Thompson, in that beautiful poem, “Any Saint”, describes man as a Swinging-wicket, set Between [...]
It’s been a difficult yet amazing week for me. The past seven days have consisted of extremes… of extreme highs and lows in the political, economical, [...]
I pondered the other day as I walked along the beach…. If I was to liken the ocean to the spirit of man and the shoreline to the outer fringes of the soul… [...]